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Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Paidtoclick.in Not scam

Saya sdh mencoba PTC (Pay To click ) paidtoclick.in dan ternyata PTC ini terbukti membayar dengan minimum payout untuk paypal $ 0.02 dan Alertpay $ 1 ini buktix

Serial Number Windows 7

Saya mw share k tmen2 krna beberapa bulan yang lalu saya kebingungan mncari serial number Windows 7 untung ad om google stelah mncari beberapa menit dpt deh...^^... nih SN windows 7 nya dan mdh2an msh work soalx pas ak mke msh work :

Perubahan dari Blog pelajaran jadi Blog umum

Wah... dh lama nih gk ngelola blog.... jd kngen ^^... sdh skitar 9 bulan lbh gk prnh bka blog.... skrng bru mulai ngelola blog lagi ,,,,,,

Selasa, 13 April 2010

Riset Kalor


Kalor adalah bentuk energi yang berpindah dari suhu tinggi ke suhu rendah. Jika suatu benda menerima / melepaskan kalor maka suhu benda itu akan naik/turun atau wujud benda berubah.
Kalor dapat merambat melalui tiga macam cara yaitu:


Perambatan kalor tanpa disertai perpindahan bagian-bagian zat perantaranya, biasanya terjadi pada benda padat, Contoh perpindahan kalor secara konduksi seperti kita menyetrika sehari – hari itu, karena setrika bersifat konduktor maka setrika dapat memindahkan kalor secara konduksi pada saat menyetrika. Dan ketika kita memegang baju yang kita setrika terasa panas itu membuktikan bahwa kalor sudah berpindah ke baju tersebut. Peristiwa terjadi karena perbedaan suhu yang mengakibatkan perpindahan dri suhu tinggi ke suhu rendah.


Jumat, 05 Maret 2010


 The prepositions in, on, and at can be used to indicate time and place. Notice how they are used in the following situations:

InYear, Month,
In 1999, In December
Country, State, City
In Japan, In Utah, InTaipei
OnDay, Date
On Saturday, On May 1
On Main Street, On 1st Ave.
At 8:00, At 7:30
At 815 East Main Street


dining room
living room
sitting room
letter box
flat (GB)
apartment (US)

Simple Future

Halo teman - teman kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang simple future yuk!! dilihat n disimak...!!!

I will sing
The simple future tense is often called will, because we make the simple future tense with the modal auxiliary will.

How do we make the Simple Future Tense?

The structure of the simple future tense is:
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+main verb

For negative sentences in the simple future tense, we insert not between the auxiliary verb and main verb. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and auxiliary verb. Look at these example sentences with the simple future tense:
subjectauxiliary verb
main verb
+Iwillopenthe door.
+Youwillfinishbefore me.
-Shewillnotbeat school tomorrow.
?Willyouarriveon time?

Modals in the past form

Modals in the past form

1. Could + Verb base
        รด  to offer suggestions or possibilities
                Example:           Patrick                 :  Oh, no! I left my shorts.
                                                Spongebob    : Don’t worry, Patrick. You could borrow my shorts.
                                                Asmi                    : I’m having trouble with English.
                                                Randah               : Why don’t you ask Agnes? Perhaps she could help you.

Asking if someone remembers or not

Halo teman pada pertemuan kali ini kita akan mempelajari asking if someone remembers or not memang terlihat susah tetapi jika dipelajari dengan sungguh - sungguh pasti bisa, yuk!! dilihat n disimak...!!!

Formal expressions:
ร˜ I wonder if you remember.....
ร˜ You remember...., don’t you?
ร˜ You haven’t forgotten...., have you?
ร˜ Don’t you remember.....?
ร˜ Do you happen to remember it now?

Ways to respond:
ร˜ Let me think, yes, I remember.
ร˜ I remember especially the scenery.
ร˜ I’ll never forget that
ร˜ I’ll always remember.
ร˜ I can remember it clearly.

Asking Information

Halo teman - teman pada hari ini kita akan mempelajari tentang asking information / dalam b.indonya menanyakan informasi, yuk!! dilihat dan disimak...!!!
There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common:
  • Could you tell me...?
  • Do you know...?
  • Do you happen to know...?
  • I'd like to know...
  • Could you find out...?
  • I'm interested in...
  • I'm looking for.. 

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

Finite Verb

 Halo teman - teman pada kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang finite verb, yuk!! silahkan dilihat...!!!

A finite verb is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clauses, which can stand by their own as complete sentences.
 he finite forms of a verb are the forms where the verb shows tense, person or number. Non-finite verb forms have no person or number, but some types can show tense.
  • Finite verb forms include: I go, she goes, he went
  • Non-finite verb forms include: to go, going, gone

Noun Phase

Halo teman - teman kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang noun phase atau fase kata benda, yuk!! silahkan dilihat...!!!

A noun phrase is either a single noun or pronoun or any group of words containing a noun or a pronoun that function together as a noun or pronoun, as the subject or object of a verb.
For example, ‘they’, ‘books’, and ‘the books’ are noun phrases, but ‘book’ is just a noun, as you can see in these sentences (in which the noun phrases are all in bold)

Example 1:
Adit: Do you like books?
Nizam   : Yes, I like them.
Adit: Do you like books over there?
Nizam    : Yes, they are nice.
Adit: Do you like the book I brought yesterday?
Nizam    : Yes, I like it(Note: ‘It’ refers to ‘the book’, not ‘book’)
Example 2:
Nicko was late.
(‘Nicko’ is the noun phrase functioning as the subject of the verb.)
Some noun phrases are short:          The students
Some are long:                                   The very tall education consultant
Structures of noun phrases:
         A beautiful old painting on the wall
The structure of this noun phrase contains three sections:
Head noun
A beautiful old
on the wall
A beautiful old
on the wall
This is the table of the adjectives that are combined with the nouns:
Opinion adjectives

Descriptive adjectives

When you use a noun in front of another noun, you never put adjectives between them. You put adjectives in front of the first noun.
Example:  We just spoke with a young American boy.
Noun phrase can be in form of gerund (Vbase+ing) or gerund and other nouns compounding.
Example:         passing the exam                   watching TV
                        preparing the equipment      sliding down a rope
                        going to school                       diving board

Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

Direct and Indirect Speech

Hey teman-teman kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung yuk! Silahkan dilihat……!!!
Direct Speech is refers to reproducing another person's exact words or saying exactly what someone has said (sometimes called quoted speech).
We use quotation marks ("______________") and it should be word for word.


News Item

Halo teman - teman kali ini kita akan mempelajari  news item, yuk! silahkan dilihat...!!
News item is to inform the reader or listener. Clear News item is to inform the news to the readers or listeners. Purpose when you read the news or not to obtain information from sources that clearly.


Descriptive Text

Halo teman pada pertemuan kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang descriptive text atau dalam b.indonya teks deskriptif yuk!! mari dilihat.......!!!

Descriptive text is to describe the characteristics of particular person, thing, or place.

Generic Structure Descriptive text :

Identification is identifies thing, person, place, phenomenon to be described.
Description is gives the information of particular thing, person, or place being discussed or describes parts, qualities, or characteristics.

Narrative text

Hey teman-teman kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang narrative text, yuk!! Silahkan dilihat……!!!

Narrative text is a text which contains about story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/ fables/myths/epic) and in its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution.

Generic Structure of Narrative Text :

Orientation: it is about WHO, WHEN, and WHERE the story happened.
Complication: it is about the conflict or the big problem of the story. Complication is the part of the story in which there is a conflict among the characters of the story (it is possible to make more than one conflict in a complication), and it is the climax of the story (the big problem in the story). A story can have more than one complication.
Evaluation: is optional; it is usually used to make the story more interesting.
Resolution: it is the solution of the problem. It can be a happy or sad ending. In Resolution, the solution or the way out of the conflict/ the big problem must be written.
Coda: it is the change of one of the character or two, or the meaning of the story that can be caught as a moral value of life.


Hey teman-teman kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang Invitation atau mengundang pada pertemuan sebelumnya kita pernah mempelajari ini dan untuk postingan ke 2 ini untuk mengingatkan teman - teman yuk! Silahkan dilihat……!!!

Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something or a request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something

There are two types of invitation:
Formal invitation is usually originate from Institutes, Companies and a kind of it. Normally formal invitation is written invitation.

Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.


Hey teman-teman kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang introductory yuk! Silahkan dilihat……!!!

Introductory is relating to, or being a first step that sets something going or in proper perspective
Source text above from : http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/introductory
In this pattern, it has no meaning. It is used only to fill the subject position in the sentence. Thus, it is called introductory "it".
A and B mean the same thing, but sentence B is more common and useful than A. A was introduce mainly to make the meaning of C easier to understand.
Introductory "it" can fill the position both of the subject and object.

Passive Voice

Halo teman-teman kali ini kita akan belajar menegenai ' passive voice ' apa itu passive voice? Passive voice adalah mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, yuk mari dilihat…..

Passive voice is a Passive construction occurs when you make the object of an action into the subject of a sentence. That is,whoever or whtever is performing the action is not grammatical subject of the sentence. Take a look at this passive rephrasing of a familiar joke

  • When rewritting active sentences in pasive voice note the following:
  • The object of the active sentences becomes the subject of the passive sentence
  • The finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
  • The subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence( or is dropped )

    Simple present tense

    We take a noodle

    A noodle are taken by us

    Simple past

    We took a noodle

    A noodle was taken by us

    Simple future

    We will take a noodle

    A noodle will taken by us

    Present perfect

    We has take a noodle

    A noodle has taken by us

    Past perfect

    We had take a noodle

    A noodle had taken by us

    Going to future

    We are going to take a noodle on the table

    A noodle are going to taken by us


In a passive clause, we usually use a phrase begining with by if we want to mention the agent – the person or thing that does the action, or that causes what happens.


S +verb1+s/es+ O+C(adv. Of time)

My brother makes fried rice every night

S+to be+verb3+agent+C(adv. Of time)

Fried rice is made by my brother every night

If you want change an active sentences which has two objects into passive forms, there are two ways :

Make its indirect object into the subject of the passive sentence

Make its direct object into the subject of the passive sentence

Example :

Torres is giving his girl friend
a flower


The indirect object as the subject

Torres's girl friend is being given a flower


The direct object as the subject

A flower is being given to Torres's girl friend

There are some rules that can help to make newspaper headlines more comprehensible.

  • The passive voice is used without the appropriate form of "be".

    Example: Town 'Contaminated'

    Complete Sentence: Town is contaminated.

    • It is unusual to find complex forms, generally the simple present form is used

      Example: Fire Destroys over 2,511 acres of Forest in 2003-2004

      Complete Sentence: Fire has destroyed over 2,511 acres of forest in 2003-2004.

    • The present progressive tense is used, usually to describe something that is changing or developing, but the auxiliary verb is usually left out.

      Example: World Heading for Energy Crisis

      Complete Sentence: The world is heading for an energy crisis.

    • To refer to the future, headlines often use the infinitive.

      Example: Queen to Visit Samoa.

      Complete Sentence: The Queen is going to visit Samoa.

    • Headlines are not always complete sentences.

      Example: More earthquakes in Japan.

      Complete Sentence: More earthquakes happened in Japan.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Surprise Or Disbelief

Halo teman kali ini kita akan mempelajari bagaimana mengeekspresikan kaget dan menanggapinya yuk silahkan dilihat......
Suprise Or Disbelief is An expression that we show/say when we know /hear/see something that rather difficult to believe and surprise or disbelief used to express something that we can't or impossible.

To Express surprise :
- What a surprise!
- That's a surprise 
- Well that's very surprising
- Really ?
- What ?
- Are you serious? You must be joking
- You're kidding!
- Fancy That!
- I must say..... surprise me

Gratitude, Congratulation And Compliment

Halo teman kali ini kita akan belajar mengenai bagaimana mengucapkan terima kasih, memberikan ucapan misalnya selamat ulang tahun dan memberikan pujian tapi pastinya pake bahasa Inggris donk yuk!! dilihat....

Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people. When speaking English. When people give you something or help yo do something, wish you something and give you compliment, etc.  please say " Thank You "

- Thank You Very Much
- Thank You for your gift
- it's pleasure / My pleasure
- Thank You for You Help
- I'm really grateful to you